What Can I Expect?
We're located directly across the street from the Killeen Special Events Center at 3310 South WS Young Drive. Here we are!
We Believe!
We subscribe to the doctrine of the Southern Baptist Convention as adopted in 1963. Learn more about our purpose and vision!
Service Times
We have a lot of weekly opportunities at FBC from worship services to small groups. For a detailed list of these times, click here.
Small Groups
From single soldiers to parents with children to empty nesters and beyond, our church has a place for you! Come see how you can be a part of our family!
First Worship
Start your week off with First Worship at 10:30am, featuring a blend of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs from our worship musicians ahead of a message from the pastor.
BLAST stands for Bible Learning and Sharing Together. This worship experience is designed for our junior worshipers aged kindergarten through 2nd grade at 10:30am.
Our children learn about the importance of worship in First CREW (1st-6th grade) and First Notes (4-5 year olds), which meet on Sunday nights during the school year.
Youth Worship
Our students are active in our Sunday morning worship service and also host their own midweek worship service on Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall!
For Everyone!
Our ministry extends to every generation, including preschool, children, and students. For more info on these important ministries, please contact us here.
We put a high priority on keeping your children safe! We use secure check-in procedures for every activity and always have at least two adults in each room.
Check-in Desk
As the central hub of our children's ministries, this is where you will register your children for activities and receive a unique security badge that is required for pickup.
Our Policy
For preschool parents, check out our Preschool Ministry Handbook. Also, consider printing and filling out this information form prior to arrival to help expedite the enrollment process.
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