Our Strategy
The children's ministry seeks to engage elementary aged students and challenge them toward the motto of our church: Connect (B.L.A.S.T.), Grow (LifeGroups), Serve (Chidren's Choir), and Go (R.A.'s & G.A.'s)! Please click here to see how our schedule for these ministries fits into the larger church schedule. You may also familiarize yourself with our Preschool & Children's Ministry Handbook.

Children aged kindergarten through 2nd grade are encouraged to attend B.L.A.S.T. (Bible Learning And Sharing Together) at 10:30 AM on Sunday mornings. Children sing praise songs and learn Bible lessons through multimedia, one-on-one sessions and hands-on projects.

Small Groups
Every Sunday morning at 9:15 AM, our kids get to experience their own LifeGroup at the same time as small groups are meeting for other ages throughout our building. Grades 1 through 4 meet in the children’s wing on the east side of our church campus.

Royal Ambassadors
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Royal Ambassadors is open to boys in 1st – 5th grades. The primary purpose is mission education, focusing on missionaries around the world. Activities and events throughout the year include: Flag Etiquette, State Congress, Rally at Baylor University, Summer Camp at Highland Lakes near Lake Travis, a local campout, and seasonal activities for crafts using mission emphasis.

Girls in Action
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
The purpose of G.A.’s is to teach girls in 1st – 5th grades about missions, focusing on missionaries around the world. Learning occurs through storytelling, arts and crafts, drama, cooking, and games, as well as G.A. Camp in August.
First CREW Children's Choir
Sundays at 4:30pm
Our children’s choir gives boys and girls an opportunity to join others in singing praises to God. We use singing, instruments, games, and small group activities to have fun while learning new skills. The children present a Christmas musical and a spring musical each year and sing in the worship services on other occasions.