First Baptist Church Killeen is proud to once again host the Singing Men of Texas in concert on Thursday night, February 13, at 7:00pm.
The Singing Men of Texas consists of men who serve in various music-related positions, from the local church to foreign missions, in and with Texas Baptist churches and institutions. They are divided into six regional groups which present concerts of classic and contemporary Gospel music throughout the state each month.
The North Central Chapter is comprised of over 150 men and is one of the finest men’s choruses in the country.
The Singing Men have made mission trips to England, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Spain, China, Brazil, Austria, and the Czech Republic. In 2010, 2012, 2015, and 2017, the group had extremely productive evangelistic concerts in Ukraine with evangelist Michael Gott and again in 2019 in Hungary and Romania. In April 2023, the Singing Men returned to Europe and presented concerts in eight cities across Poland.
The concert program will include selections by the men’s chorus and the orchestra. A special feature will be a combined choral piece with choirs from churches across central Texas.
"I will praise You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done. I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your Name, O Most High."
This passage typifies the spirit of these men who can be found serving in churches every Sunday. They love banding together eight times a year to sing concerts throughout the North Texas region. Everyone is invited to be a part of this free concert. A missions offering will be taken and recordings of the Singing Men will be available for purchase. For more information about the concert call FBC Killeen at 254-634-6262. For more information about the Singing Men of North Central Texas, visit their website at