Apples of Gold
By Clara Patterson
In 2004, Wanda Lewis invited Joyce Tuggle and Clara Patterson to meet with her and shared that she felt God calling her to begin a mentoring ministry for young women in our church. They unanimously agreed to support this ministry and on March 31 they met with Laura Dunnells and Dawn Parnell to pray and brainstorm about possibilities. After considering several different ministries, they chose Apples of Gold which Dawn had recommended.
This was the mission statement: “Mentoring ministry will connect women to women through fellowship, discipleship, and nurturing relationships so that from God’s perspective their lives are effective, fulfilled, and pleasing to Him.”
There were seven classes beginning with an introductory lesson followed by lessons on the topics of Kindness, Purity, Loving Your Husband, Submission, Loving Your Children, and Hospitality. After the first group completed the classes, some of the young ladies would return to serve as helpers in the kitchen and be encouragers to the new group. They were called “applesauce.”
The first set of classes were held in the summer of 2004 in the home of Elli Holt, Laura Dunnels’ mother. The first full session began on September 16, 2004, and was hosted by Charisse Lee. Heather Hart hosted an evening session. Clara Patterson, Darla Menking, and Marie Aycock hosted sessions in their homes from 2005 to 2019. Amy Davis and Joyce Tuggle hosted individual classes in their homes when others had conflicts. Connie Cox, Amy Davis, and Nellie Birkenholtz helped with meal preparation at some of the sessions. Daytime classes began at 9:25 a.m. and ended at 12:40 p.m.
Classes began with fellowship and an introduction to the meal with recipe handouts, followed by the lesson while the meal was prepared, and further discussion of the lesson during the meal. The mentors prayed for each of the young women throughout each session.
Wanda Lewis was the leader of the ministry and mentors were Joyce Tuggle, Barbara Menking, Pat Shannon, Angie Stockland, Marie Aycock, Clara Patterson, Brenda McDonald, Sara Graham, and Darla Menking. April Alvarado, an early graduate, became very active as a mentor, an encourager to other graduates to help with meal preparation and serving, and in preparing name tags.
Some of the comments shared by the young ladies who attended the sessions:
“I felt so loved, so lavished with hospitality and wonderful meals. I did not look forward to anything all week so much as my AOG meeting.”
“It has been wonderful. I am sad that it is ending. I wish there could be a part 2, 3, 4,…!”
“The mentors have been such wonderful, giving women, and I will treasure what they have shared.”
“I absolutely loved the fellowship at AOG – for me it was the mentoring and study and friendships I made that made the largest impact in my life and was the most special.”
“This was a great course of study at a time in my life when it is really needed and very applicable.”
“I wished it could be longer.”
“I really enjoyed getting together with everyone. I benefited from the fellowship, the Bible studies, and the cooking lessons. I loved it all.”
“This was a really great program. I have especially enjoyed interacting with ladies with life experiences that are applicable to my own.”
I felt so loved, so lavished with hospitality and wonderful meals. I did not look forward to anything all week so much as my AOG meeting.