The Story of the JOY Class
By Delores Williams
In the late 1990s, Sunday School classes were growing and seating space in each classroom was becoming limited. Associate Pastor Pat McDonald voiced the need for the larger classes to divide into two classes. Hence, the 8:30 a.m. Joy Class was established in 1997. Cindy Berry was the Joy Class teacher and initial class members were Brenda McDonald and Delores Williams. As time progressed, other ladies joined the class.
With the increase in church attendance and the need for three morning sessions, Life Groups were instituted for 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 a.m. in 2013. Originally, meeting at 8:30 a.m., the Joy Class began meeting at 11:00 a.m. with Elaine Hayes as the teacher. This change resulted in the loss of several class members to another class as they elected to continue meeting at 8:30 a.m. As the years progressed, the class membership fluctuated. Unfortunately, members were lost to relocation as well as death. However, new members were acquired, and since COVID, the class maintains a membership roster of 20 to 25 ladies of varying ages and status in life.
Since the initiation of the class, several ladies have been the class teachers and others have served as substitutes. The ladies share their praises and prayer requests each Sunday along with studying the selected Bible text and praying for each other.
Over the years, the class members have participated in many church activities and have been a contributor, both financially and in person, to many ministries as well as community projects. These include, without being an inclusive list, the church-wide mission offerings, Disciple Now, Vacation Bible School, youth camps, Trunk or Treat, local nursing homes, prison ministry, Hope Pregnancy Center, Salvation Army, Killeen Food Care Center, and FBC Children’s Ministry and Preschool Volunteers.