PURPOSE & VISIONHELP US CARRY IT FORWARDIn creating this next phase of our campus,we aim to go beyond the traditional boundsof a place of worship.CLICK HERE TO VIEWWe want to create a space where everyone, includingsoldiers and their families, can come together andexperience the heart of ministry...CLICK HERE TO VIEW...where we can journey through life togetheras a loving family united under God.CLICK HERE TO VIEWBACK TOfbckilleen.comCAMPAIGNmain pageMAKE AcommitmentFLOOR PLANSPlanned Build SiteCLICK TO VIEWFull Floor PlanCLICK TO VIEWOpen Gym FloorCLICK TO VIEWSports Gym FloorCLICK TO VIEWDinner SeatingCLICK TO VIEWEvent SeatingCLICK TO VIEWLet's Build a Building!Join us in the effort toCarry it ForwardCLICK HEREto make a commitment now